Garmin Dezl TMC RDS traffic updates

Garmin Dezl TMC RDS traffic updates

The Garmin Dezl 560 LT comes with life-time traffic subscription (LT). Traffic service updates can be downloaded with Garmin's webupdate tool - adding more TMC / RDS traffic service coverage. This can come in handy for international truckers, holidaymakers or business people with a rental car in big cities. Here's how to update TMC / RDS traffic services with the Garmin Webupdate software program.


Garmin Webupdate tool

Garmin webupdate is a program to update Garmin Devices connected with a USB cable to a PC or Mac . Garmin Webupdate can be downloaded for free from the Garmin Website.

Garmin webupdate can update internal GPS software (firmware), navigation voices and added services such as cyclops speed camera service or in this case traffic service providers.

Garmin Webupdate updates firmware voices traffic and extras over the internet
Garmin Webupdate updates firmware voices traffic and extras over the internet

Garmin Webupdate is particularly useful in 2 distinct ways. It allows selective updates - saving internal GPS memory by choosing only relevant updates. Secondly it shows the product release notes for the available updates - providing more information about the update.

TMC / RDS traffic updates with Garmin webupdate

After connection with the Garmin Dezl - Garmin webupdate shows the available updates  for the Dezl software configuration detected.

Garmin Webupdate updates TMC / RDS traffic provider services
Garmin Webupdate updates TMC / RDS traffic provider services


In this case a TMC / RDS traffic database update with version V2.70 is available, adding:

- Traffic services in Argentina, Brazil, Israel and Bulgaria
- Correcting existing traffic services in Vladivostok in Russia

At the same time several new country voices are available but where skipped to save internal memory space.

Garmin Webupdate TMC / RDS update complete
Garmin Webupdate allows selective updates of a Garmin GPS


Garmin Webupdate only updates software in the Garmin GPS. Garmin Map updates are installed in a different way - which are very large in size requiring very long downloads.

It would be nice to also be able to selectively delete installed software, freeing up available internal memory. For instance Voices never used and Extras such as Custom POI's taking up large amounts of internal memory.

Maybe in a future release of Garmin Webupdate?


Garmin Webupdate software and release information

Garmin Webupdate is available for free at the Garmin website:

  Garmin Webupdate software

  Garmin Webupdate release notes